Thankfully, Things are Drying Out

Update: We actually had about 1.2 inches of rain Friday night/early Saturday morning, according to Andy Bakalarski, the city’s wastewater superintendent. But it apparently was not intense enough to not cause any more flooding. With the new figures, we had about 7.7 inches of rain combined on July 23-24 … two days that I’m betting most won’t forget anytime soon.

The flash flooding feared overnight never materialized, and it looks like things are improving.

We had maybe a half inch of rain after midnight, according WISN’s Mark Baden. And Oak Creek’s levels are dropping. While the creeks remains at flood stage, it had fallen to 8.8 feet (flood stage is eight feet), down from nearly 10 feet on Friday. The forecast is also improving, and it looks like it will be a nice day for the Heritage Days parade and Lionsfest.

Of course, none of this is any solace for the homeowners so severely affected by Thursday’s record rains. I had a chance to speak with maybe a dozen flooded-out homeowners on Parkway Drive on Friday, and it was heartbreaking to hear their stories. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

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