Recapping the Public Works Meeting

Thanks to everyone who came out to Tuesday’s Public Works and Public Property Committee meeting.

I understand the frustration in the room, and I sympathize. I am glad everyone who wanted to had a chance to speak their mind. Fifteen people spoke in all, 14 from the Parkway Drive/Hemlock Court area, and your message came through loud and clear: We need to take concrete action to address these flooding problems.

And we are. The committee expressed its support on getting the ball rolling on a larger study of some of the city’s problem areas from last week’s storm (Parkway Drive included). I expect the full committee will take a formal vote on moving ahead with this study in time for the issue to be brought up at our next City Council meeting on August 17.

The mayor made it clear that the city will find the money for this study, and I welcome it. We need to find some answers here, and we will.

I’ll keep you posted on this in the days and weeks ahead. In the meantime, I’ll reiterate my request the request that everyone report their flood damage specifics to both the city and the county. We need to know the full extent of the damage if we’re truly going to address this.

Learn more at the city website.


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4 responses to “Recapping the Public Works Meeting

  1. Keri A.

    Make sure the Parkway Drive / Hemlock Ct. people visit Brookdale Ct. so they don’t get the same design team working there. After tearing up the street a month ago to “fix” the ongoing problem, everybody’s basements were filled again….

  2. Melanie Poser

    Instead of funding a “study”, give it to the homeowners affected by the flood.

  3. C. Weiss

    Why is it that there is never any information sent out to homeowners about Public works meetings? If I had known of this meeting I would have been there to represent the 15th Avenue homeowners, who for the second time in two years have lost so much due to flooding…. I am tired of this – as are so many others. The cost – The anxiety – Loss of what you have worked so hard for.. And to have it happen again? On our street there was 3 ft of running water, cars were stranded because they would not stop driving through. After this happened the city finally put a pump at 15th and Drexel Avenues. to pump the water out of our system into another system.. The same thing they did 2 years ago when this happened.The water started to recede immediately.. Why did they wait so long? It seems they have a knowledge of this issue and did Nothing about it… I want to talk to someone about this – knowing about a meeting would have given me more of an opportunity to address this issue. I leaves a really bad feeling – when you know your City – does not care for residents enough to fix an ongoing problem area.

    • Thanks for the comment and for reading the blog. And I am sorry to hear about the flood damage. The agenda item on flooding at last week’s meeting was a late addition and designed to be more of a chance for our city engineer to summarize flood damage at a high level. Of course, a number of people ended up attending the meeting, most from the 4th District, and I felt it was important to give them their chance to speak. You too can have that chance. There will be another Public Works meeting, likely on August 16, where I expect we’ll hear more about our options in regards to a detailed study of flood-prone areas. We will hear brief comments then. And, if you haven’t already reported your specific flood damage to the city, please do so by calling 762-2222. Honestly, doing this (and helping us fully catalog all damage) will help us more than anything at this point. I’ll post more information on this upcoming meeting in coming days.

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